Jasmine Thong

I write content that inspires, educates, & connects.

Content writer with 3 years of diverse creative experience and SEO knowledge within the mental health, wellness, and self-help industry.

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

The Movement Control Order (MCO) during the pandemic brought significant changes in the lives of women in Malaysia.

In Malaysia, the pandemic has brought significant negative impact on women who were previously in a good financial state as well as those who were already needing extra aid.

In the state of Selangor, more women are facing income loss and financial instability due to the movement-control order (MCO). A quarter of working women are in a state of vulnerable employment and are highly susceptible to partial or total income loss.

Several health facilities and clinics have been closed following the M

Not Like Other Girls': Unpacking Internalised Misogyny

Internalized misogyny is the prejudiced behavior that women project upon themselves and other women as a result of years of patriarchal conditioning by society, out of fear of being perceived as weak or incapable because one’s association with femininity. This internalization has a very restricted view of femininity and womanhood. This drive to discriminate on one’s femininity creates the need for competition rather than collaboration and overlooks the diversity and complexity in independent exi

Mirror, Mirror on The Screen: Is That Really Me?

In a time where connecting with people online can be done while you’re sitting on the toilet, it is no wonder that people are becoming increasingly reliant on online relationships for the emotional support that they require. What does this mean for us? From my experience with social media and livestreams, I think that this increased dependency is resulting in a growing number of people who are both knowingly and unknowingly forming parasocial relationships with the celebrities and influencers th

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